Club Governance
Jets Code of Conduct
Melbourne Jets Ice Hockey Club Inc.
As a Member of the Melbourne Jets Ice Hockey Club, I agree to all following statements:
- I will not act in a manner that will bring the Club or the sport of ice hockey into disrepute.
- I will not behave in an offensive or inappropriate manner in/on any ice rink or any venue where a Melbourne Jets Ice Hockey Club function is taking place.
- I will be financially responsible for and indemnify the Club against all claims in respect of all damage I may cause to any of the above facilities.
- I will ensure my actions do not endanger the physical or psychological wellbeing of other Club members, Club officials, Ice Hockey Victoria officials (on and off ice) or members of the public.
- I acknowledge that the Club’s and Ice Hockey Victoria’s Anti-discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies bind me and I agree to indemnify the Club for any loss or damage claimed against it by reason of any breach by me of these policies.
- I will accept and follow the lawful direction or instruction of:
- A Committee Member;
- Coaching staff; and/or
- Ice Hockey Victoria Officials.
- I will not smoke within the rinks or drink alcohol within any of the ice rinks unless it is a licensed venue.
- The Ice Hockey Victoria Drug Policy binds me and I am aware that Ice Hockey Victoria may carry out drug testing at any time during the season.
- I accept responsibility for all members of my family attending training and/or games and/or Melbourne Jets Ice Hockey Club functions, and that such responsibility extends to ensuring their safety. I indemnify the Club in respect of all claims for restitution for any damage to the Club, rink or function venue property they may cause.
- I will attend Jets functions and volunteer during fundraising events in order to help the club financially and socially.
- Playing parents may not bring children to the rink during Melbourne Jets Ice Hockey Club training or playing times unless they are supervised at all times by a non-playing parent or guardian.
- I will pay my fees as per the published fee schedule.
- For each game that I am rostered, I will supply a person to work the penalty box. If I fail to supply the person, then I will not play that night in order to work the penalty box myself
- I will volunteer at least two (2) hours of my time to help with on/off ice officiating. This includes scoring/timekeeping for other grades games other than my own.
- Any breach of this Code of Conduct, the Constitution and Rules, Regulations and By Laws of the Club or the Constitution or Rules of Ice Hockey Victoria may mean that:
- My membership with the Club can be suspended or cancelled at the discretion of the Club Committee with no refund of fees; and
- I am liable to pay monies due to the Club under an indemnity given by me to the Club in this document.
I am aware that I am responsible for the payment of season fees. The full amount of these fees is due and payable as set out in the clubs approved payment schedule. I acknowledge that failure to pay fees will result in me not being eligible to participate in trainings or games.
The Melbourne Jets Committee may also give my place on the team to another person who wants to play ice hockey if my fees in accordance with the prescribed payment dates.
I acknowledge that I have read the above code of conduct and agree that my membership of the Melbourne Jets Ice Hockey Club is subject to adhering to this code of conduct.